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Southwest Heath Announces New Medical Office Building  
Southwest Health announced their plans for a new medical outpatient building, located on Eastside Road, adjacent to their Platteville hospital and clinic. To meet the growing healthcare needs in the region, Southwest Health will break ground in the spring of 2025 and when construction is complete in the summer of 2026, Southwest Health Behavioral Services, the Eye Center, and potentially other ancillary services will move to the new building. At that point, construction inside of the current hospital will occur to expand growing departments. Final construction will be completed in the summer of 2027.

This construction will allow growing departments to expand their current services within the hospital. Specifically, Southwest Health’s surgery department is continuing to grow with additional orthopedic surgeons and podiatrists. The demand for mental health services continues to grow and the additional space will allow for expanded availability. This project will be Southwest Health’s fifth construction project in four years. It is due to the trust Southwest Health patients have in providers that allows Southwest Health to continue to build and grow services and clinics.

“Our medical team continues to grow and expand the services provided to patients of our region. Our unprecedented growth continues and the Governing Board wants to ensure that we can meet the needs of our communities now and into the future. This project will ensure our medical staff has the space and resources to care for the people of southwest Wisconsin and the surrounding communities.” says Southwest Health’s CEO, Dan Rohrbach.

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