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Interventional Pain

Interventional Pain

Interventional Pain

Pain can be simple or complex. It all depends on the causes of your pain. For more complex pain, for pain that comes often, or for pain that just won’t go away, we offer specialized pain management services. And that means far more than prescribing medications. 

Call to Make an Appointment

Platteville Clinic

Mon – Thurs

8:00 am – 5:00 pm


8:00 am – 12:00 pm

1450 Eastside Road, Platteville, WI
(2nd Entrance)
(608) 342-5060

Kieler Clinic

Mon – Thurs

8:00 am – 5:00 pm

3695 Prism Lane, Kieler, WI
(608) 568-3107



Pain specialists bring a wide variety of experience, skills, and knowledge to bear in helping you reduce or eliminate your pain. They are dedicated to using the full scope of medical science to provide personalized and effective treatments that can make a real difference in your life.

Every patient is unique. Treating pain often requires knowing the history of the pain as well as its intensity, duration, how it is aggravated or alleviated, and bodily structures involved in causing the pain. With Southwest Health, you have a professional who will work with you to develop an individual treatment plan. These plans may include:

  • Botox injections block neurotransmitters preventing migraines. 
  • Epidural steroid injections deliver anti-inflammatory medicine to the spine that’s irritated by bulging discs, bone spurs, or other conditions. 
  • Radio-frequency ablation uses heat to destroy nerve tissue so the nerve cannot transmit pain signals to the brain.
  • Trigger point injections target specific areas of muscle pain and discomfort. This outpatient procedure can be used for both acute and chronic pain per Martha.
  • Ultrasound-guided steroid injections relieve pain and inflammation. 
  • Vyepti IV infusions prevents migraine attacks for 12 weeks at a time after a 30-minute infusion.

Some of the conditions treated include:

Back Pain, especially low back painComplex Regional Pain Syndrome (CPRS/RSD)
Carpal TunnelPost Herpetic Pain (Shingles)
FibromyalgiaSports or Work Injuries
Headaches & MigrainesHerniated Disc
Joint PainKnee Pain
Neck PainPelvic Pain
Spinal StenosisDiabetic Neuropathic Pain