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Community Health


Community Health Needs

We’re here to care for life, delivering personal care that helps you get better faster. But, we’re also here to create a healthier southwest Wisconsin. And achieving that requires a plan. That’s why we created our Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) and accompanying implementation plan.

Our CHNA will help us improve health and facilitate access to heath and wellness resources. It helps us document the health status of our communities and identifies the issues we will work to address.

The process is a little like taking the temperature of the well-being, health and fitness of our area’s residents by examining leading causes of physical and mental illness and death and disability. In doing so, we collected information from existing data sources, surveys, interviews, focus groups or community forums, and research studies. Through the process, we considered:

We will always take care of you when you’re ill or injured. But, we also see a future in which we reduce the burden of illness and successfully promote behaviors to improve the health of our southwest Wisconsin communities. And this CHNA is a part of making that happen.

Current CHNA Report

Previous CHNA Reports:

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If you have questions about our CHNA or any related matter, email us at